So needless to say the past couple of weeks have felt so hecktic and crazy. We have been working,as usual...but we have had things that were expected and very unexpected happening.
We have been enjoying the season, although it has gotten a touch too cold for me, and its not even snowing yet.
We were able to go to a couples Halloween party thrown by one of my friends from the University ward I was in before we got married, Camary. We had an awesome dinner made up of a mystery menu, it was cute. Each dish was something you would normally eat, but on the menu they were called something gruesome like "enlarged maggots" for macarroni and cheese and so on. You didn't find out what you had ordered until it was in front of you. It was a way cute idea and we had a lot of fun playing games like pictionary and watching a scary movie. And we met some fun new people, altogether a very entertaining night! Thanks Cam! :)
Cody has been VERY busy with the boys in the stake. They went shooting last week, they went to a Haunted Maze on Wednesday, they have a campout coming up...its just been wild. Not to mention he helped the Teachers in the stake with their booth on Saturday for our stake Halloween Carnival, and he did a great job. I think his favorite part was watching all the little kids in their cute costumes. He picked out some of his favorite and showed them to me when I got there. I would have to say, he has good taste! :) Our favorite was a homemade lion costume on this probably year old boy, had to be one of the cutest things we had ever seen.
We have also been visited on a pretty frequent basis by some of our kids from trek. Some that were ours, and some that were honorary because lets face it, they wanted to be in our awesome fam. But we love having them over and hearing all of the things they are going through right now. It takes us back, I don't 5 to 7 years...Its just funny, because we totally relate and understand being right in that very position. Jared and John came over after their dates on Saturday and gave us a recap. It was pretty hilarious, and yes, of course we gave them some very valuable advise...haha We love it.
On a bit of a sad note, Friday though we attended a very sobering funeral, but it was very touching and beautiful at the same time. Our good friends, and neighbors lost their son of complications upon arrival. They were able to spend a little bit of time with him, and they said that the they had some amazing spiritual experiences that are really helping them get through this really hard time in their lives. If you can though, I would really appreciate if you could just mention the Hanks Family in your prayers, I know they can feel the power of the prayers said in their behalf. I just know I would appreciate it also, if something like that were to happen to me. So if you can, that would be wonderful. We are also very sad because they will be moving to West Jordan this weekend, we will miss them and their awesome little girl. We are looking forward to meeting up with them, and continuing our friendship. They have been wonderful friends and neighbors.
Sunday, Cody was able to also attend his cousin's farewell. Travis will actually be going to the same mission that Cody went to. So Cody was able to give him a few insights and tips. We are excited for Travis to have this awesome experience in his life, but it will be sad to see him go. For those of you that know him, know he is hilarious and lots of fun. You will be missed Travis, but you will have an awesome experience and we will have even more fun when you return!
Well, Primary program is coming up, so I have been spending the last 8 months, especially the last few weeks gearing the kids up for it. I will have to let you know how it goes. Its November 8th and then our anniversary is on the 14th, so I will be able to get a couple more posts in about something in particular, instead of one that is all over the place. But our life has been pretty all over the place! Enjoy your Halloween! :)