But I am so grateful for him, and the gift he is to me and everyone in our families. But even more, here are 10 reasons I think he is wonderful! ( I could probably go on forever)
1. He loves the Gospel & he has a relationship with his Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
2. He is possibly the most loving person I know
3. He is respectful
4. He is honest
5. He is smart
6. He loves to pray
7. He makes me smile
8. His mission in life is to make sure our family (right now is just me) is taken care of
9. He is thoughtful and kind
10. He has a HUGE heart; and he loves me more than even I know
I love this picture, it makes me smile! This was a formal night on the cruise. My favorite is when he is dressed up in his church clothes, he is so handsome!
This is a picture he took of himself on my camera when we were dating. He thought he was pretty funny. You can see by the look on his face he thought he was being rather sneaky.
And obviously this is from our wedding day. We just couldn't believe that it was here, and how happy we are and have been. Best decision we have ever made!
Happy Birthday babe! I love you more than words can express and I am glad we get to celebrate you every year, you are such a blessing and joy in my life!